
Miscellaneous Napoleonic Cavalry

Posted by k.b. on 21 Jan 2025, 19:20

Here is where i would start...........




k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by k.b. on 27 Jan 2025, 22:26

Here's to show how the dapples are coming along on this steed........


Image goes without saying that i need to add a second (and probably a third) layer of red to the lacing on his jacket, cuffs, shabraque, sabretache along with buttons added down the side of his trousers.
k.b.  Brazil
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04 Apr 2010, 03:50

Posted by Santi Pérez on 29 Jan 2025, 19:31

Already in this state, that hussar and his horse look spectacular, k.b. I can just imagine what the end result will look like when you're done with them. :drool: :drool: :drool:

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Santi Pérez  Spain
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28 Aug 2016, 19:42

Posted by Bessiere on 31 Jan 2025, 11:56

Great looking hussar and thank you for the reference pictures. It's almost a pattern you'd get with spray paint and blocking parts almost in a snake scale pattern. Do you build these areas with diluted paint?
Bessiere  United States of America
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Posted by k.b. on 01 Feb 2025, 18:11

Thanks for your comments gents. In answer to your question Bessiere , no I don’t use any diluted paint at all. Quite the opposite, I generally add a lighter grey circle of oil at a time on top of the darker rump, neck or chest and before this circle is dry I add more white to it and create the dapples, all the while trying to avoid a too regular appearance to the dapples. If you look closely at the reference photos the size, format of the dapples is all very irregular. I try my best to reproduce that irregularity.
k.b.  Brazil
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Posted by k.b. on 13 Feb 2025, 14:49

I think if someone were to ask me what my all time favourite 1/72 Napoleonic cavalry figure was, this chap would be high on my list. And to tell you the truth both he and his mount were painted many many moons ago.

It might be an interesting challenge for me to try to find, deep in the depths of my unpainted collection, another of this Revell combo of figures and paint them both in oils, unlike the old rider figure shown below, who was painted in enamels and his horse which was painted using an oil wiping off technique that i learned as a youngster from my mentor, the late great Bill Brewer down in Peckham Lane, London.

My knowledge has come a long way but am afraid my eyes are nowhere near what they were back then. (But then again I do have an Optivisor nowadays to help).

Let's see............






(to be continued)....
k.b.  Brazil
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