Rich W wrote:Thanks all for your encouragement!
Peter-Mark kindly made the barricade for me, I just painted it and added it to the base. He would be best placed to tell you how it was made. But I can tell you that there are lots of lovely little details on there and I'm delighted with how it all turned out!
I offered to create a scratch-built barricade for Rich, as he had already asked on this Forum if there were any commercially-available ones for his French Blenheim-period infantry to defend. As I was already creating some barricades for my own WSS collection, it was easy to add another one to the set that I have been creating.
I am attaching some pictures of the barricade that I created for Rich. Basically, I took the view that a town/village like Blenheim would provide its defenders with wagons, sacks of grain or corn (effectively, sandbags), lots of timber and logs, bits and pieces of furniture, barrels etc. So I took these items and miniaturised them with the help - in this case - of a slightly converted Austrian (Napoleonic) ammunition wagon from the HaT set; timber planks etc from lolly sticks; barrels from Italeri and Renedra; and Miliput sacks, plus a few other scratch-built bits and pieces. These were assembled on an art-card base with a profiled plaster (quick drying filler) contoured surface. The various items were stuck into place, then given an all-over PVA brush (helps to strengthen the whole thing) and then a grey undercoat. Rich then applied his splendid artwork and added the figures, for the image of French infantry that he has recently posted.

When I have time I'll post more images and information on scenery, barricades and so forth that I am creating for the early eighteenth century (WoSS) period.