Game Reports

LOTR Dwarf Goblin encounter Part 2

Posted by PaulRPetri on 01 Sep 2021, 22:39

So we set up the forces and had another go. We added two extra Goblin units and beefed up the existing units all to 8 men for each. We also threw in some archers. We went overboard!!
We started the cards a bit closer to us and the went first.
The wargs are upon us!! Save yourselves!!
Oh boy two trolls and some pals are right up on me!
The wargs on our right flank lining up for an attack.
The wargs suffered some hits but stayed in combat and allowed their pals to pile into the attack!!
In short order Brian's dwarfs are cut down to a man!! Oh crap!!
The two trolls ended up in my area and beat the living daylights out of my dwarfs!! Ugh!
Our final force was surrounded on the hill and the Goblins sang as they slew....

Well Brian and I made some rule changes on the fly and had several discussions on rule improvement but I think we will have a game to spring on the larger group very soon. It was fun playing on the same side. Sort of like an old school D&D game from my much younger days!!

Thanks for looking!
PaulRPetri  United States of America
Posts: 658
Member since:
02 Apr 2019, 00:59

Posted by Peter on 02 Sep 2021, 21:31

Thank you, for sharing! Excellent pictures and game report! :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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