Game Reports

SOGG big game 2014 D Day +6

Posted by Fire at Will on 24 Jun 2014, 08:27

Back in Wilberfoss, near York for the annual Society of Gentlemen gamers big game. This time it was D Day +6 using the forces from the Rapid Fire Normandy battlegroups, for me it was a repeat as I'd participated in similar event at Plymouth last year.

Thepictures of all the games can be found on the SOGG site (photos still being added at the moment)

as a taster here is the report from my table

Overview of the table
The first move, 2 Panzer's Reconaissance batalion moving up the flank, the two lorried panzer grenadiers battalions moved up the roads
The German artillery, a real headache as I had limited infantry and these had the potential to cause real problems.
The steady advance by 7th armoured, it's the first outing for my new motor battalion.

It's a tight queeze at the beginning
Despite moving second I managed to establish a defence line along the centre road
But moving any further forward is going to be tricky, especially with the lurking 88mms
Cromwells and infantry cautiously moving forward. With the enemy being dominantly an infantry force there was few targets for the Fireflys with their lack of HE!

An 88mm takes out a Firefly
Revenge, all available guns target the 88mm and the Reconnaissance battalion.
Unfortunately after a hit from a Stummel one of my squadrons falls back.
Almost off the table for the Firefly.
The charge of the stuarts to take out the German OP's
But success comes at a cost...
One Stuart manages to survive to retribution from four 105mm guns
The German left flank is crumbling, the Reconnaissance Battalion has been routed, but some extra Panzer Grenadiers arrive to shore up the line
The Panzer Grenadier battalion in the centre is now in trouble as my armour and infantry concentrate on them away from the gun line
The other battalion continues to hide in a stone walled field.
Fire at Will  United Kingdom
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16 Dec 2009, 16:21

Posted by Peter on 25 Jun 2014, 15:10

Great pictures and battle report! Thanks for sharing! :thumbup:
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Peter  Belgium

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Posted by Rosbif on 07 Jul 2014, 11:13

Excellent setup; smashing terrain!
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Rosbif  Australia

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