Using Black Powder, we gamed a modified Gordon Relief Expedition twice on Saturday & Sunday. We had 2participants fly up from Sydney & a load of interest from the passing crowd.
The set up created a desert setting, flanked by the Nile River.
The Anglo-Egyptians marshalled two columns: Desert & River:
The River column boasted 2 Nile Steamers towing barges full of troops.The Dervish deployed 2 dhows full of troops & a mud fort with 2 artillery pieces to stop them.
For this game, victory was centred on the relief or capture of a strong point, Wadi Hamid, on the way to Khartoum.
The Desert column & opposition:
Ultimately, the slow-moving Desert Column held its own against the Mahdists but failed to reach Wadi Hamid in time.
Oh, and beware the hippos.
(figures 1/72 plastic & 20mm metals. Lots of scratch building & modifying)