For those brave souls who have read the last two after action reports here is a third with another ignoble loss by yours truly. I took a few pictures of the foam core wall we use to deploy in hiding. As silly as it looks it adds a great deal of tension to the game not knowing your opponents exact set up. To be clear the rules restrict what units can deploy in which section of the table, for instance all heavy infantry is restricted to the center section of the table.

Brian massed all of his cavalry on my left flank, 2 units and had none on my right flank which I had placed my 2 heavy cavalry units.

A bunch of overview shots.

On my left flank my light cavalry was attacked by the Roman heavy cavalry.

Climax in the center I could make no impression on the Roman battle line.

I knocked out 2 roman units 3 away from victory but my line broke and was flanked and the roll up of my line could not be stopped so we called the game a Roman victory, followed by tears of sadness flowing from my eyes!

After 3 games it is clear to both of us that the Roman army is probably rated too high. Without getting into the weeds too far on rules all of the Roman infantry is rated the same very high, instead of the first line Hastatii being a base level, with the second line Princeps being a notch higher followed by the Trarii another notch higher. We may adjust things in the future but next week my Phyricc army will take the field let's see how that goes.
As always thanks for looking.