Yes Peter,

sorry for late reply.

Another thick heavy book ,and a dozen cans of beans were added on top of that.

'Boy O' Boy Pard's,that's an awful lot of beans!'

'Beans don't agree with me.'

'Yes we have indeed noticed.'

'Phew! Worse than my old socks!'

Stop it guy's,it hurts when i try to laugh!'

And so it happened to be a sunny bright Saturday morning when BB,started to write this.

'My,My why throw away good cardboard? No,no that would never do for an aged Fiddle Wood Gnome such as little me. Womble,does comes to mind. You see i realise what some of you are thinking! But i only collect things that enter our home. Whereas Wombles clean up and bring it in.And that is why i am not let out much these days.'

'That's right.'
" Paul,would you like this ? '' My Mrs B,would kindly ask before throwing stuff away into the blue recycling bin.

This i realise far to many times i reply ''Yes please!'' because it often seems a real useful treasure to me.

'this is just bb,being a bb'

'That's right!'

'Like in Dads Army BB, is 'Doomed!'

'Not at all Pards.'

' Why is that,then?'

'Because he is here upon this Forum with us smillies.'

'Yes very true,because eventually i became one.'

A pile of half striped cardboard is hardly an awe inspiring thing to do,let alone present for show. But beginnings are often recorded in order of events bright or otherwise and that is the way of all learning.

General marking out began like this,and it brought back memories of long ago when i was formulating shapes that would help form hot air balloons. Which pleasently were happy days that i have not forgotten to this day. Looking at the picture above four pieces were ready to be cut out.

So within the realms of rekindled daylight dreams Plan A, arrived with the curved arrow now showing the ultermate way to close it pointed tight around.

Eight parts were needed at this stage,and their points would meet in the middle.

To learn by ones mistakes as you go along is the hidden key of success. i have always found it very odd that some never do. And so to aid the course of such untimely things in others i've included this one of mine. After sticking them all into place i realised that a wider flap on the paper was needing marking out. This method of not cutting out the master plan before sticking shapes upon it is always advised. So the flap reading Glue, on the left side was duly ammended.
After it had dried hard and flat,compressed down by a heavy book. It was soon after cut out and each one being loose with no glue on their edges simpley formed its own shape. And the new flap was glued and stuck into roundabout place under the last but now nearest shaped piece.

A handy support is always welcome while it dries out.
However all that one can view here is not what it all appears to be.

Plan B, arrived... and it left me re-thinking another pathway of things out.

BB, is always re-jigging himself within his world of hobbies, of this...

and that,

Eh! What on earth are you guys talking about?
Now when time avails itself,there are now needs to be much broader in scope with these wet weather coverings that will lift off and on as my camera dictates the sceanic route to take...

ideas can be like a candel in the wind.

So Plan B, will Loom itself up and over the castle parts that i individualy cast up in my own pattern's of upwards design during that hot sizzling summer of 2019.
Having lost heart in this progect since then... It remained upon my work table in the hallway where the early and midday sun turned the shadows around each castle tower.