
scratch - building with BB

Posted by Beano Boy on 30 Apr 2024, 22:02

:coffee: Thank you Chris. :thumbup:
Santi :thumbup: and Peter. :thumbup:

Drawing up plans for new stuff is still ongoing and i hope some might well be a surprise in the near future as i unfold both scratch building items along with my own combined style of story telling mysteries. The included minions will be a large part of this endeavour, along with pictures for they have been seen and heard in their own banter over the years with one another and of course little :coffee: old Me!
:mrgreen: Yes BB,sure is one of us. :eh: He is? :sst: :read: :cowboy: :mrgreen: Of course he is.they all replied. :eh: Ok! :thumbup: he...he.


It has been years since i've shown pictures that i wish to convert into open book covers, but i found this very old beautiful picture that is in public domain... and thought to share it with you guys.
i sliced the title from this first edition magazine and placed it snug between two, then copied them set up all in a row.
This process gave me a Master that i could then print out.


The end result is the first printing plate above that i can now reduce into any tiny size.... :coffee: BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 23 May 2024, 01:36


With the cost of living heading up more like the lift in a high rise building, i again turned to scratch building in a small high-rise way. It being the bright winged case 99% of it is usually thrown away into the recycling bin. So here we have it to start with, the inner remains of two toilet rolls, have been pressed into service along with a few plastic milk bottle tops.


They were simply pressed into each end without any difficulty at all.


By doing so something happened straight away. :eh: What was that ? WingNut, asked.


Well they became very rigid strong! :eh: But why?
Good question,well it was because by adding the bottle tops ,these things turned into upright box like things.


After the Parcel Man had delivered a rather large box for my Dear Mrs B, i got another stash of cardboard for A&C projects!


Now this turned out to be the thinner sort of cardboard which i found very easy quick to strip off the facing paper. i mean in a matter of seconds , rather then laborious minutes.


This awesome tiny gauge is what i needed. :mrgreen: BB's always happy to receive good old family rubbish.


Stood on end they are very strong indeed for three part things.


So after reaching this point of simple construction...


,,, i set to, and measured and cut out what the job in hand needed.


After marking out where the card would start upon the toilet roll, a dry run was made which means trying each one out for size without applying glue.


This dry wrap around system proved worthwhile doing because i could then cut out freehand the correct length of card needed...


...to help provide the finished result, the facing paper upon one side was not removed to avoid the groves springing. :mrgreen: Good thinking BB.

It was one quarter past three in the afternoon when i started brushing on the glue. it took all of 20 minutes to finish the first three columns.


The first column came into being soon after i rolled the cut to size glued up card into upright supportive place.


This is number two.


Number three soon followed using the self same method.

The Library needs supports.


Of course all this activity caught the eye of several inquisitive individuals who...


... soon after came walk about on site.

It was jolly good fun making do with what we usually chuck out. Which meant no real cost at all incurred producing these. i intend to pressure test these to prove how strong these supports are. :sst: yes piling on books time is coming soon.

:coffee: Now i'm off to my bed, perhaps i will see u on the next 1? BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 25 May 2024, 14:50


Picture above illustration only, but do please note the pins!


To test the logic of fractions and provability, four large books weighing 12 Ib in total were added, one at a time to prove the point of success. :mrgreen: I wonder just how much they would hold up before the great squash acquired ? :eh: Yes but four toilet rolls such as these could never hold up those books, declared WingNut.

:sst: yes but it shows quite clear that three can, replied the Little Button. :eh: O' My, Gulp!

:coffee: i'll see you on the next one. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Peter on 07 Jun 2024, 18:11

Looks like these can have a fourth book! ;-) Nice work again Paul! :yeah:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 14 Sep 2024, 16:00

Yes Peter, :thumbup: sorry for late reply.
:coffee: Another thick heavy book ,and a dozen cans of beans were added on top of that.
:cowboy: 'Boy O' Boy Pard's,that's an awful lot of beans!' :eh: 'Beans don't agree with me.'
:mrgreen: 'Yes we have indeed noticed.' :cowboy: 'Phew! Worse than my old socks!'
:eh: Stop it guy's,it hurts when i try to laugh!'

:read: And so it happened to be a sunny bright Saturday morning when BB,started to write this.


:coffee: 'My,My why throw away good cardboard? No,no that would never do for an aged Fiddle Wood Gnome such as little me. Womble,does comes to mind. You see i realise what some of you are thinking! But i only collect things that enter our home. Whereas Wombles clean up and bring it in.And that is why i am not let out much these days.' :mrgreen: 'That's right.'
" Paul,would you like this ? '' My Mrs B,would kindly ask before throwing stuff away into the blue recycling bin. :coffee: This i realise far to many times i reply ''Yes please!'' because it often seems a real useful treasure to me.
' :sst: 'this is just bb,being a bb' :mrgreen: 'That's right!'
:eh: 'Like in Dads Army BB, is 'Doomed!' :cowboy: 'Not at all Pards.' :eh: ' Why is that,then?' :read: 'Because he is here upon this Forum with us smillies.' :coffee: 'Yes very true,because eventually i became one.'


A pile of half striped cardboard is hardly an awe inspiring thing to do,let alone present for show. But beginnings are often recorded in order of events bright or otherwise and that is the way of all learning.


General marking out began like this,and it brought back memories of long ago when i was formulating shapes that would help form hot air balloons. Which pleasently were happy days that i have not forgotten to this day. Looking at the picture above four pieces were ready to be cut out.


So within the realms of rekindled daylight dreams Plan A, arrived with the curved arrow now showing the ultermate way to close it pointed tight around.


Eight parts were needed at this stage,and their points would meet in the middle.


To learn by ones mistakes as you go along is the hidden key of success. i have always found it very odd that some never do. And so to aid the course of such untimely things in others i've included this one of mine. After sticking them all into place i realised that a wider flap on the paper was needing marking out. This method of not cutting out the master plan before sticking shapes upon it is always advised. So the flap reading Glue, on the left side was duly ammended.

After it had dried hard and flat,compressed down by a heavy book. It was soon after cut out and each one being loose with no glue on their edges simpley formed its own shape. And the new flap was glued and stuck into roundabout place under the last but now nearest shaped piece.


A handy support is always welcome while it dries out.
However all that one can view here is not what it all appears to be.

:coffee: Plan B, arrived... and it left me re-thinking another pathway of things out. :mrgreen: BB, is always re-jigging himself within his world of hobbies, of this... :sst: and that, :eh: Eh! What on earth are you guys talking about?
Now when time avails itself,there are now needs to be much broader in scope with these wet weather coverings that will lift off and on as my camera dictates the sceanic route to take...
:sst: ideas can be like a candel in the wind.


So Plan B, will Loom itself up and over the castle parts that i individualy cast up in my own pattern's of upwards design during that hot sizzling summer of 2019.
Having lost heart in this progect since then... It remained upon my work table in the hallway where the early and midday sun turned the shadows around each castle tower.
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 15 Sep 2024, 15:15



:coffee: It is Sunday today and the right of way upon this roadway continues,and this view is of a new version of a test sample. This being the third one that i've made,and it was stuck onto the paper sheet that i had printed out on both sides. :eh: 'But why?' Asked WingNut... :mrgreen: 'Because it's fun WingNut.' Chirped in the fun loving Mr Green. :sst: 'it is so no white would show itself after forming the cone.' the Little Button answered. :thumbup: :coffee: 'That's right!' Declared a happy BB. :eh: Boy that little button is so smart. WingNut thought dumbly to himself.


:coffee: So the Castlelation is covered over now, but this is not an end result,it is only a sample to gain the radius stretching out beyound this make believe 3 D Fortress Tower.
:mrgreen: 'So now it needs raising?' :sst: 'yes. like up is the name of this game'.
:cowboy: 'And dressing up too'. :eh: 'What ! How on earth can that huge, great, topsy turvy lump, of a thing be raised ?' :mrgreen: 'Perhaps Fred, and MayBell, will help'. :eh: O' no'. it will only get worse, WingNut , dumly thought to himself.


:coffee: So support cradles now need designing in orfer to lift the new roofing to even greater hights.

:cowboy: :coffee: :sst: :mrgreen: :eh: We'll see you on the next one. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 15 Sep 2024, 18:16

:coffee: Yes i did pick up the baton once more to continue on with this. BB
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Posted by Dad's Army on 12 Oct 2024, 16:48

Fantastic work Paul, but does Mss B have any space left in your house...
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Posted by Beano Boy on 16 Oct 2024, 01:51


While a heavy storm drum beats its way down upon the castle.
i must make mention that there is not any space left in our little white house Remco.
However it is still available within my head
For dreaming up short story's these days.
All in all,it is just my way of having lots of absolute fun.

:eh: What about all this water spreading its way across every floor ?
:mrgreen: I believe WingNut,just volunteered to mop all those floors!
:eh: Eh! What?

:coffee: Thank you WingNut. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Peter on 24 Oct 2024, 17:04

Fantastic castle! :love:
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Posted by Beano Boy on 12 Dec 2024, 08:56


:coffee: O my! It has been a year ago since making all those swirling steps that go around and around and yes up and down all at the self same spinning time.
:eh: 'Boy just trying to read this makes my head spin and spin.' Declared a rather dizzy eye balling WingKnut! :mrgreen: 'Perhapes we might get a prize when those eyes do stop from spinning?' Mentioned Mr Green!
:sst: 'well i don't know anything about them there eyes of such annabled spinning,but bb has added the spindles to each topsy turvy step,' the little button, added upon such a toppic of high rise expressed humour.
:read: 'This space is fast paced resounding like the old time BEANO comic' remarked the well read Bookworm. :cowboy: It sure is Pards! The Lonsome Cowboy expressed,as he tried hard to wash his old over worn ,smelly socks out in the Red River. :mrgreen: 'Yes while he's still a wearing them upon his pan-handle feet while he's still trying hard to smoke.
., .'
:eh: 'Please help us save the fish by clicking on the Like Button!'
:coffee: Or you could simpley buy me a coffee. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 12 Dec 2024, 09:33


Spooky! BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 23 Dec 2024, 16:15


Do you see in your minds eye how simple improvements could be added to such a wonderful project as the one provided upon the Link ?

:coffee: Well they can be viewed here upon rolling back a little. BB
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Posted by Beano Boy on 05 Jan 2025, 11:24


i spent my day,it just being another one of ease of finding old stone patterns of long ago... and so it was that the samples of floor slab's began to come together in my thought and assimulation. So i printed my first sample seen here.


Viewing the camera result the floor did seem to rise upon such an unusual power.
It is fast appearing to my mindset that sir Percys Library,
:coffee: is far from being over. BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by MABO on 05 Jan 2025, 11:47

Hello Paul, as already mentioned elsewhere, I was away from the forum for some time. So I also missed your next scratchbuild masterpieces. I like the towers and the dark pictures with them most!! :drool: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :love:
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Posted by C M Dodson on 05 Jan 2025, 17:27

Those castle turret rooves look impressive.

Mine, sculpted, were useless!

Best wishes,

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Posted by Beano Boy on 19 Jan 2025, 03:45


Little shapes combined can create a certain something much larger especially for all those who have such eyes of understanding to realise it.


The Little Shadow Of My Former Self
Written and presented by Paul Howes.

Time period 1954 to 1964

As a small boy,i had often thought why waste the cardboard box our weekly shopping came in. i would fetch it home every weekend with its passing upon each and every Friday evening from our little local 'Billy's Fruit, & Veg,' food store.The little box was never to heavy for a little sprout like me to carry home,because food rationing was still in place,but my Mom, bless her heart baked bread and cake once a week on her half day off from working in the city on Thursday afternoons.
Upon all those special afternoons i arrived home happily from Dowson School, because i knew that she would be there.

You see my brother Ron and i were latch key kids! We had no Dad,just Mom.
So Mom.worked and we kids were home alone most days of each passing week.i later found out that ,that situation was against the law. But my Mom was pressered and ordered by people of the State to work. And so she being so frightened never questioned it. She along with us would not be alone in that harsh cold hearted system of things either.

The wonderful smell of fresh hot home made baking always met my senses as the back door opened,and just made it an extra special home-coming for me. My Mom, had the rare gift of making do with what we had making it go a little further.

And so leaving such a scene behind me now,it is back to this topic of yes making do.


Thank you for roofing turret mention Chris. :thumbup: And thank you Jan for commenting too. :thumbup: Sorry everyone for late reply!

:mrgreen: :eh: :read: :cowboy: It's been rather odd that we have been so quietly shut up in this Forum, :sst: that's right. Decleared the little button..

The rooftops in question were reinforced by a simple modeling plan method which saw a cieling added first and short cut sides stuck nicely into place after.

Coated with PVA Resin inside and outside these stiffend up with extra added strengh thus making them fit enough for painting if needed.
Using cheap cardboard in this abstract way has served my needs well over the years. And pennies spent has saved pounds especially when i was once such a 'poor widows son'. :coffee: i will see you all on the next one BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Ochoin on 19 Jan 2025, 06:57

BB you certainly have a gift to see potential in the most mundane materials but I'm more impressed by your attention to detail.
I am, by nature, a bit 'slap-dash' but you always seem to achieve perfection.

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Posted by Beano Boy on 22 Jan 2025, 04:20


While i played around leisurely like with the options of ornate tiled floor pattern designs! i desided each floor would be one laid of baked hard stone. :mrgreen: ''You might have guessed by now that BB,is always quite eccentric in his actions.'' :eh: 'Eh!'
:sst: ''good job to! if you ask me.'' said the little button.
:read: ''I believe BB,will be leading you all up the garden paithway from now on''.Joked the greedy! but well read Bookworm.


:cowboy: ''Well bring it on Pard!'' decleared the Cowboy who always sleeps in his boots. :coffee: Well i am trying! Remarked the author in question. :mrgreen: He sure is trying that's for sure.Mentioned Mr Green.

There are so many options to chose however there will be lots of interesting rooms and so i'll plod on and find Victorian and Albert tile designs.


This one found in public domain was quite lonely because of being just one nine part tile,i therefore designed a pattern for my hard working printer. :mrgreen: And so it was one little tile formation from a bygone age became four. Hopefully i will be able to shrink them down to a good wee size. These old kiln fired tiles were stretched out beyound the gardens iron gate and they lead one up to the front door of Victorian terraced houses.


:read: ''This one should taste fine!'' Remarked the Bookworm!

:mrgreen: ''After all it is just rejiged paper!'' :eh: ''It is getting crazy around here.''

:coffee: i'll see u all upon the next one. BB
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Posted by Santi Pérez on 23 Jan 2025, 20:00

Your library is looking better and better with each new addition, BB. :thumbup:

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