
scratch - building with BB

Posted by Beano Boy on 30 Apr 2024, 22:02

:coffee: Thank you Chris. :thumbup:
Santi :thumbup: and Peter. :thumbup:

Drawing up plans for new stuff is still ongoing and i hope some might well be a surprise in the near future as i unfold both scratch building items along with my own combined style of story telling mysteries. The included minions will be a large part of this endeavour, along with pictures for they have been seen and heard in their own banter over the years with one another and of course little :coffee: old Me!
:mrgreen: Yes BB,sure is one of us. :eh: He is? :sst: :read: :cowboy: :mrgreen: Of course he is.they all replied. :eh: Ok! :thumbup: he...he.


It has been years since i've shown pictures that i wish to convert into open book covers, but i found this very old beautiful picture that is in public domain... and thought to share it with you guys.
i sliced the title from this first edition magazine and placed it snug between two, then copied them set up all in a row.
This process gave me a Master that i could then print out.


The end result is the first printing plate above that i can now reduce into any tiny size.... :coffee: BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 23 May 2024, 01:36


With the cost of living heading up more like the lift in a high rise building, i again turned to scratch building in a small high-rise way. It being the bright winged case 99% of it is usually thrown away into the recycling bin. So here we have it to start with, the inner remains of two toilet rolls, have been pressed into service along with a few plastic milk bottle tops.


They were simply pressed into each end without any difficulty at all.


By doing so something happened straight away. :eh: What was that ? WingNut, asked.


Well they became very rigid strong! :eh: But why?
Good question,well it was because by adding the bottle tops ,these things turned into upright box like things.


After the Parcel Man had delivered a rather large box for my Dear Mrs B, i got another stash of cardboard for A&C projects!


Now this turned out to be the thinner sort of cardboard which i found very easy quick to strip off the facing paper. i mean in a matter of seconds , rather then laborious minutes.


This awesome tiny gauge is what i needed. :mrgreen: BB's always happy to receive good old family rubbish.


Stood on end they are very strong indeed for three part things.


So after reaching this point of simple construction...


,,, i set to, and measured and cut out what the job in hand needed.


After marking out where the card would start upon the toilet roll, a dry run was made which means trying each one out for size without applying glue.


This dry wrap around system proved worthwhile doing because i could then cut out freehand the correct length of card needed...


...to help provide the finished result, the facing paper upon one side was not removed to avoid the groves springing. :mrgreen: Good thinking BB.

It was one quarter past three in the afternoon when i started brushing on the glue. it took all of 20 minutes to finish the first three columns.


The first column came into being soon after i rolled the cut to size glued up card into upright supportive place.


This is number two.


Number three soon followed using the self same method.

The Library needs supports.


Of course all this activity caught the eye of several inquisitive individuals who...


... soon after came walk about on site.

It was jolly good fun making do with what we usually chuck out. Which meant no real cost at all incurred producing these. i intend to pressure test these to prove how strong these supports are. :sst: yes piling on books time is coming soon.

:coffee: Now i'm off to my bed, perhaps i will see u on the next 1? BB
Beano Boy  England
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Posted by Beano Boy on 25 May 2024, 14:50


Picture above illustration only, but do please note the pins!


To test the logic of fractions and provability, four large books weighing 12 Ib in total were added, one at a time to prove the point of success. :mrgreen: I wonder just how much they would hold up before the great squash acquired ? :eh: Yes but four toilet rolls such as these could never hold up those books, declared WingNut.

:sst: yes but it shows quite clear that three can, replied the Little Button. :eh: O' My, Gulp!

:coffee: i'll see you on the next one. BB
Beano Boy  England
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03 Sep 2013, 14:45

Posted by Peter on 07 Jun 2024, 18:11

Looks like these can have a fourth book! ;-) Nice work again Paul! :yeah:
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