I have had it in my mind to do the Battle of Five Armies that is the climax in the book The Hobbit. So deciding to use any and all stuff I had on hand I began my construction of The Lonely Mountain. Here are just a few shots as I begin the journey!!

I had stashed some packing white foam and decided to use this along with my Proxen hot wire cutter to give the hills a more stylized look.

What you are looking at is the front gate to the Lonely Mountain the back drop of the battle. The Men of Dale, the Elves from Mirkwood and the Iron Hill dwarves line the hill "Arms" facing the goblin hordes.
Below some goblin hordes, these have actually been on the Forum long ago when I first joined!

I will take some additional pictures tomorrow as I have made some further progress.
That's all for now.
Thanks for looking.