Work in Progress

Mystery Buildings at Waterloo

Posted by Captain Sibourne on 14 Jun 2024, 09:56

Having studied Waterloo for many years it seems almost impossible to believe that there could be an aspect of the battle that you have never previously noticed.

But in studying the eastern end of the Allied line, I have noticed something new and am surprised that it has gone unnoticed in any report that I have read. Maybe I am being stupid and I would welcome anyone who can help enlighten me. Let me explain...












Given this visual evidence, can anyone provide information on what happened to these buildings during the battle? Were they defended by the Nassauers? were they attacked by Durutte? were they successfully defended or were they taken?

I will ask permission of the National Army Museum for close ups of the model so that we can construct appropriate models.
Captain Sibourne  United Kingdom
Posts: 367
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02 Feb 2014, 09:12

Posted by C M Dodson on 14 Jun 2024, 15:59

Interesting observations indeed.

Most maps as you say concentrate on the principal structures to the detriment of others.

Mr. Adkin on page 344 has Durettes men passing a building to the west of Papelotte.

Mr. Weller didn’t mention it or the others you have found but his book has an aerial picture taken in 1967 showing buildings to the west of Papelotte. Whether these are 1815 or not I do not know but he states that some are original.

I hope it helps.

I will e mail it to you.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
Posts: 2732
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01 May 2015, 18:48

Posted by Peter on 16 Jun 2024, 21:32

I see if I can find some information in some books I have.

I'm thinking that it could be some small houses from the helping hands on the farm, with their family.
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Peter  Belgium

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