Many thanks for the kind words and constructive comments, as always.
so I'm thinking on what they use for a fly screen
I have some but have found that the door screen material is too stiff for this - but may look again. The stuff I found is mosquito netting and is very flexible. I realise that the net bag you get garlic cloves in would also be an option.
Japanese UpdateSupport stands (which represent generally non-combatant support such as cooks and medical staff - losing these can affect the morale of the fighting arms in the game): As my target figure sets are no easily available (but hopefully not out of production), the bitz box has come to the rescue - possibly. Several old Hasegawa Japanese aircraft refuelling crew will now stand in with one figure per base and some barrels and boxes.
British & Indian Forces update
While the Japanese battalion batch two are undercoated it was back to the Brits and Indian Army and some artillery support in the form of two Milicast 3.7 inch Mountain Guns to form a mountain battery in direct support.
My first resin kit - a bit daunting but actually went together quite well.
They are quite delicate so will be mounted on bases
Having mucked about with various 8th Army gun crews I have reverted to the old Airfix 25pdr crew. These guys may be retired eventually if I find replacements but I actually quite like them now they are painted.
Painted ready for varnish
The Battery command and FOO group also progressed to a stage ready for varnish. The Strelets 8th Army officer looking at his watch is a lovely figure.
The Emhar WW1 officer didn't fit in and will be returned unfinished to the WW1 project stash.
Gun Crews and Battery HQ varnished and on bases for a dryrun
Battery Subedar Major will form a support stand for the battery.
I could not get the gun base to work with figures fitted so the crew is on a separate stand but in game terms they will be assumed to be on the gun stand.
Two Sapper stands have also been completed ready for basing and final matt varnish.
Armoured Observation Carrier updateSo the AOP (mentioned in Brigadier E.W. Goodman's memoir) is a rescue 1/76 Airfix carrier. Its a bit knocked about but will do. The old green paint was rubbed down a bit and a new coat of Tamiya RAF Dark Green applied. Some touching up in Humbrol enamel 159 afterwards. I also trialled some AoS, and T-number, and vehicle name markings - I can't get on with printing my own transfers yet so its a simple paper print (the regs did say these could be on thin plate [smile]), and I am happy with the result for the AoS but will probably redo the T-number later on.
Named after an Indian Mountain as fitting a mountain battery. Note trial printed flag.
Two AoS as parent unit might also be carried - certainly for Royal Indian Army Service Corps so why not artillery.
Comms cable wire spool - AOPs would have a cable spool to run a cable from the battery to the OP position. The bitz box let me down for the first time so it was a scratch-build job. After a bit of mucking about trying to cut tiny discs I found that a standard hole punch created the exact thing I needed - with a bit of sprue an effective spool was created.
One fitted spool with bracket and one extra wire spool in the trunk test fitted to the carrier.
Looked okay to me so fixed and painted
With the AOP crew done ready for a matt varnish, I tried the options again and decided to go for the range finder officer in the front seat (the kneeling chap with binoculars only fitted in the back and I don't think even the usually egalitarian RA officer would ride in the back - he will now become Command stand Sapper). Some Malaya maps were added for fun.
Full crew decided on, so I fabricated a range card and waterproof cover for the gunner assistant and added the wireless operator, range finder FOO and OP assistant. All a bit busy and terribly exposed but I am happy with the result.
"Fire Mission Battery!"Many thanks for watching looking. Next up is completing the Japanese battalion, and then some transport...