Work in Progress

First post - WIP Malaya 1941/42

Posted by MABO on 19 Sep 2023, 09:28

C M Dodson wrote:Inspired work in my opinion .

The Empire troops are excellent .

You might find Mr Bond very useful for your project.

You will need to look out the Japanese sections but here is a link to get you started.

He is a genius.

Best wishes,


Thanks for sharing, Chris!
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by SiHorspool on 24 Sep 2023, 18:42

Inspired work in my opinion .

The Empire troops are excellent .

You might find Mr Bond very useful for your project.

You will need to look out the Japanese sections but here is a link to get you started.

He is a genius.

Many thanks for the kind words and the link Chris.

Mr. Bond is a genius for sure. Some great examples to take inspiration from. Looks perhaps like our larger 28mm cousins but I'll let him off [smile]. I could loose a lot of time browsing his superb site!

I have made spider holes for my Nam setup but did not fix any figures, as I like the abandoned hole to be there to be searched. There is a chap on Twitter/X who has just done some 20mm Japanese fighting positions which are really good also.
SiHorspool  United Kingdom
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Posted by SiHorspool on 24 Sep 2023, 18:59

Progress Update - Japanese Battalion

The First batch of Japanese are now at the stage ready for the Army painter wash/varnish (base colours on, weapons washed black)


Nearly enough for a Battalion of four companies plus MMG Company (need one more MMG at least)









Mars 75mm Mountain Gun for the Regimental Gun Platoon. Not a bad model - wheels are a bit thick but serviceable. Comes with some Matchbox knockoffs and some terrible crew.


Luckily the Strelets Japanese Weapon sets give me more options and I am looking at other metal options. Will trial the flag man with some printed flags as he is not a bad figure, unlike the very thin crewmen.

British Armoured OP vehicle Crew options: Looking at options for the officer. Tried the range finder but prefer the binocular options but I'm loath to cut the kneeling 8th Army chap to get him to fit in the front of the Carrier (no such qualms about the Strelets rangefinder chap [smile]}. May use the Emhar WW1 officer pointing but he is very tall...



MG Loader will be the chap with the Arty Range Board. Radio operator is from the very nice Airfix Australian set.
SiHorspool  United Kingdom
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Posted by JurgenH on 24 Sep 2023, 20:42

Nice figure composition. But pay attention to the sizes. The Emhar officer is much too big for the 76 auusie radio operator. But the ideas are good. Do not be afraid of the butcher work with arms and heads. Try them on an old figure. I find the work very creative when you have practiced a little.
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Posted by Susofrick on 25 Sep 2023, 09:27

Very nice to see these old ESCI-Japanese painted! Had them, but never got around to paint them.
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Posted by SiHorspool on 29 Sep 2023, 11:54

Many thanks for the comments!

But pay attention to the sizes. The Emhar officer is much too big for the 76 auusie radio operator

Noted. I agree that scale can be an issue as I reported with regards the Lledo trucks but I am not a purist and think that sometimes a figure can be used together - after all, I work with people much taller and much shorter than me - but it is equipment size which breaks the deal for me, not so much figure height.

However, I am not yet convinced the Emhar chap is usable but he could just be a tall Guards Officer making everyone's lives a misery...[smile]

Very nice to see these old ESCI-Japanese painted! Had them, but never got around to paint them.

I quite agree - I am a fan of Esci as the quality is usually lovely and they do paint up a treat!
SiHorspool  United Kingdom
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Posted by SiHorspool on 29 Sep 2023, 13:48

Update - The Japanese are now varnished and off the lolly sticks. Will apply a matt varnish once based.


Dry run on the tagged bases. Alas, a box of Esci Japanese Infantry does not provide the full Battalion so some bases remain unoccupied, and some have new figures to test compatibility.

Regiment HQ:


The colonel, staff telephone and flag platoon stands with an Infantry Gun platoon with Type 41 75mm Mountain Gun (originally Fujimi I understand but from a Mars set). The additional figures for the staff radio are from the Strelets Imperial Japanese Army Heavy Weapons Team. The flag is from the Strelets Imperial Japanese Army in Attack.


Not sure yet about cutting the flag away and using a printed version or painting the model flag - I prefer to paint but will try both options.

The metal gun crew are Lancashire Games 20mm.

The Battalion

Battalion HQ:



Command stand for the Battalion Major and the 70mm Infantry Gun Platoon. The Gun is the Waterloo 1815 70mm gun. Alas, the crew are on the large size but more on that below.


Machine Gun Company should have three stands but there is only two MMG in the Esci set. I have two more boxes so will make up the difference in Japanese Infantry batch 2.

Rifle Company




Dry run on tagged bases - the company will have a Command Infantry platoon, three rifle INF platoons and a Weapons Platoon. 4 Companies are forming but I'm short some weapons team LMGs for the 4th Company as the Esci set only includes 3 teams. Will add in Batch 2 as above.



Some companies have more charging and close combat chaps for some variety and to use what is available in the set.


Support stands for Regiment and Battalion and the limbers and supply carts will have to follow. The figures I want for the supports are not currently easily available but I hope they are still in production. Otherwise, alternative non-combat figures will need to be found.


Alas, the Waterloo 1815 70mm gun (which is quite a nice delicate model) comes with some large crew figures. They are nice but I found them a bit too large. I had already sourced the Lancashire Games 20mm crews as an option and like them - they are chunky and have thick bases but will paint up nicely I am sure.


Some comparison images with the Esci and Lancashire Games figs and the Type 41 75mm Mountain Gun.

I have a similar issue with the British/Indian gun crews. I wanted to get some 8th Armt chaps to fit the theme and obtained an old Esci 25pdr gun for the crew. But these are also quite tall - I haven't opened the bag yet though and will find a use for them somewhere (apologies to JurgenH [smile]).



The Lancashire Games figs are probably the favourite at the moment - three crews in the stash for the 3.7-inch Mountain Guns and the 2pdr Anti-tank gun. Chunky compared to the slim Airfix classics but I'm happy with them.

Many thanks for watching, your regular programmes will resume shortly...
SiHorspool  United Kingdom
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14 Jun 2021, 12:36

Posted by Peter on 01 Oct 2023, 19:54

Very nice project! :thumbup:

I saw the netting and like it. But you are looking for smaller, so I'm thinking on what they use for a fly screen. Just a thought. ;-)
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Posted by SiHorspool on 06 Oct 2023, 08:46

Many thanks for the kind words and constructive comments, as always.

so I'm thinking on what they use for a fly screen

I have some but have found that the door screen material is too stiff for this - but may look again. The stuff I found is mosquito netting and is very flexible. I realise that the net bag you get garlic cloves in would also be an option.

Japanese Update

Support stands (which represent generally non-combatant support such as cooks and medical staff - losing these can affect the morale of the fighting arms in the game): As my target figure sets are no easily available (but hopefully not out of production), the bitz box has come to the rescue - possibly. Several old Hasegawa Japanese aircraft refuelling crew will now stand in with one figure per base and some barrels and boxes.


British & Indian Forces update

While the Japanese battalion batch two are undercoated it was back to the Brits and Indian Army and some artillery support in the form of two Milicast 3.7 inch Mountain Guns to form a mountain battery in direct support.

My first resin kit - a bit daunting but actually went together quite well.



They are quite delicate so will be mounted on bases


Having mucked about with various 8th Army gun crews I have reverted to the old Airfix 25pdr crew. These guys may be retired eventually if I find replacements but I actually quite like them now they are painted.

Painted ready for varnish

The Battery command and FOO group also progressed to a stage ready for varnish. The Strelets 8th Army officer looking at his watch is a lovely figure.


The Emhar WW1 officer didn't fit in and will be returned unfinished to the WW1 project stash.

Gun Crews and Battery HQ varnished and on bases for a dryrun


Battery Subedar Major will form a support stand for the battery.

I could not get the gun base to work with figures fitted so the crew is on a separate stand but in game terms they will be assumed to be on the gun stand.

Two Sapper stands have also been completed ready for basing and final matt varnish.


Armoured Observation Carrier update

So the AOP (mentioned in Brigadier E.W. Goodman's memoir) is a rescue 1/76 Airfix carrier. Its a bit knocked about but will do. The old green paint was rubbed down a bit and a new coat of Tamiya RAF Dark Green applied. Some touching up in Humbrol enamel 159 afterwards. I also trialled some AoS, and T-number, and vehicle name markings - I can't get on with printing my own transfers yet so its a simple paper print (the regs did say these could be on thin plate [smile]), and I am happy with the result for the AoS but will probably redo the T-number later on.


Named after an Indian Mountain as fitting a mountain battery. Note trial printed flag.
Two AoS as parent unit might also be carried - certainly for Royal Indian Army Service Corps so why not artillery.

Comms cable wire spool - AOPs would have a cable spool to run a cable from the battery to the OP position. The bitz box let me down for the first time so it was a scratch-build job. After a bit of mucking about trying to cut tiny discs I found that a standard hole punch created the exact thing I needed - with a bit of sprue an effective spool was created.


One fitted spool with bracket and one extra wire spool in the trunk test fitted to the carrier.


Looked okay to me so fixed and painted


With the AOP crew done ready for a matt varnish, I tried the options again and decided to go for the range finder officer in the front seat (the kneeling chap with binoculars only fitted in the back and I don't think even the usually egalitarian RA officer would ride in the back - he will now become Command stand Sapper). Some Malaya maps were added for fun.


Full crew decided on, so I fabricated a range card and waterproof cover for the gunner assistant and added the wireless operator, range finder FOO and OP assistant. All a bit busy and terribly exposed but I am happy with the result.

"Fire Mission Battery!"


Many thanks for watching looking. Next up is completing the Japanese battalion, and then some transport...
SiHorspool  United Kingdom
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Posted by MABO on 08 Oct 2023, 06:46

Creative use of figures in vehicles! Great project!
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MABO  Europe
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Posted by Minuteman on 09 Oct 2023, 15:41

Splendid work. I like the 3.7 inch mountain howitzers and the converted/re-purposed Airfix Bren Carrier AOP very much indeed. These all look very convincing and reflect some imaginative work and fine modelling on your part. Well done!
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Posted by CliosPaintingBench on 09 Oct 2023, 23:03

Love seeing this army coming together, the latest armoured observer is great, very realistic.
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Posted by Susofrick on 10 Oct 2023, 11:29

Seeing what you have done with the Brits I am very much looking forward to see your Japanese!
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Posted by C M Dodson on 11 Oct 2023, 07:08

That Bren carrier with the maps is excellent.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Peter on 12 Oct 2023, 12:35

Nice project indeed! I like it a lot. :thumbup:

Netting: garlic netting could be a good idea, but then youwill smell them, no? :mrgreen:
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Posted by SiHorspool on 01 Jan 2024, 12:34

Happy New Year to you all!

Apologies for the long gap in posting - the latter part of 2023 was very busy professionally for me and I failed to find the time to post - but some progress was made although more reading research was done, to be honest.

Many thanks for the kind comments!

Netting: garlic netting could be a good idea, but then you will smell them, no?

Luckily I love garlic (and as I do all the cooking I use a lot) [smile]

I did a comparison of the netting and the Garlic packaging is much bigger and less flexible but might be useful for vehicle cammo perhaps.

The Japanese filler frafts were completed including the Flag stand - I decided on using printed flags instead of paint:

MMG crews are ready for basing so the 1st Japanese Battalion is done:

Gun Crews and other support stands also done:

and the 70mm infantry Gun got some TLC:

Next up was an idea for the Japanese transport - not as mechanised as the British so lots of carts in the Orbat. Although there are options for up to two motorised transport companies in the Division, as well as pack mule companies so lots to consider.

For a basic cart, I looked at the options and found that based on a photo from China pre or early war, the Hat French two-wheel ambulance was perfect (but could do with a shaggier pony):
With some modifications to create a flatbed and some printed stowage via eBay, a very viable cart is achieved in my opinion.

I got a few packs of the stowage as this can create supply dumps for the game as Ammo supply and logistics are important campaign concerns:

For the British and Indian forces, more reading revealed a suggestion that the Indian Artillery units formed Anti-Tank troops using Italian 40mm Breda guns captured by Wavell in the Western Desert so the Waterloo 1815 set which included this was purchased. It's a simple but effective model:

The original idea was to use a 2pdr ATG - and the Zvezda kit is in the stash - a beautiful model but huge game scale-wise on the base so will use the Italian option initially:

The Indian mountain gun crews and Sappers were based and some new engineers have had their helmet netting started so the full field company can be deployed:
Note the chap who might have been in the AOP Carrier now a Sapper Officer...

So, I need to get my study tidy after a hectic end to 2023 and decide on a priority to progress in 2024.

I trust you all have a very Happy New Year!
SiHorspool  United Kingdom
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Posted by C M Dodson on 01 Jan 2024, 19:42

Very nice work indeed on this under represented theatre of conflict.

Best wishes,

C M Dodson  United Kingdom
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Posted by Peter on 20 Jan 2024, 18:38

Very nice additions! :thumbup:

Netting, just a thought:


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