Michael Robert wrote:Hello dms,
really appreciate your creations. Still, I wonder how you create these great sculpts. By scanning and modifying existing figures in bigger scale?
Love your topics and creations.
I have one proposal I wish to be constructive. The finished dioramas are somewhat too clean. This is particularly true for the fleeing cowboys. It is a very dramatic and dynamic painting, and the painting itself underlines this with strong colour contrast, black lines. The movement and stress of the characters becomes visible. In your diorama everything is perfect - the horses figures, the riders. Just the very clean painting and the rather clean dio ground kind of calm down the whole scene. It is a pity to me. Obviously, these remarks reflect my personal taste.
Thank you for your great thread
Hi Michael,I don't have a scanner so all these figures are completly my own works.Starting with a regular cube in Blender:
I thank you for wanting to point out what I'm doing wrong.I publish my works here(work in progress) because none of them are finished completely and probably never will.Unfortunately I don't have enough time and have too many ideas to realize so I don't pay attention to many things.Each one of us works in his own way, as he imagines and sees it.Maybe in half a year I won't like what I did now.I will be grateful to you if you could show me somehow what I should do, because I probably lack some technique of painting and making dioramas.
thanks ,DMS