General is back on line

Posted by closerlookbooks on 22 Feb 2013, 16:22

After losing my web site three times, the thought of starting up again was not very high on my list of priorities. But, it is up and running today. I have opened the site up with two bits of news from Pegasus Hobbies: one is a video of the Russians they have been working on for a couple of years now. The second is an announcement about the new German set they are working on. I am painting the German figures and will post a few pics in the next few days.

Several of you have written me over the past few months wondering what happened to the site. Your notes have been another big reason for working on the site again. I have the same address:
Best wishes,
Steven Lloyd
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closerlookbooks  United States of America
Posts: 203
Member since:
30 Jul 2010, 08:17

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